The IO bus allows to connect up to aprox. 8 IO cards.
Modules are placed on distance columns above or under the KITV40 computer
and are connected together using a flat cable with cutting connectors.
IO bus must be terminated with the termination resistors either by IOTER
card or IOTER5V card or TERM10B card. The following table shows the available
IO cards:
3.1 IOP |
2x P bus card
- 2x 2x 8 parallel inputs/outputs with the programmable direction
- 2x 8 parallel inputs or outputs (depends on used circuits)
Each output is equipped with a performance exciter and has a defined
state while the computer is being reset |
3.2 IOPCOM |
2x COM-bus, 1x P-bus and Centronics port card
Two standard serial channels COM
- 2 interrupt levels
- COM bus interface is used to connect serial channel to COM module
that convert the TTL level to the level required by the given communication
interface (RS-232, RS-485,...)
Parallel interface of the Centronics type
P bus:
- 2 x 8 parallel inputs/outputs with the programmable direction
- 8 parallel inputs or outputs(depends on used circuits)
Each output is equipped with a performance exciter and has a defined
state while the computer is being reset |
3.3 IOCOM |
2x COM-bus card
Two standard serial channels COM
- 2 interrupt levels
- COM bus interface is used to connect serial channel to COM module
that convert the TTL level to the level required by the given communication
interface (RS-232, RS-485,...) |
3.4 IOP485I |
2 x RS-485, P bus, Centronics card
Two RS-485 interfaces using galvanic insulation
- transmission rate 9600, 38400Bd
- selection two-wire / four-wire
- number of connectable stations 32
- range 2 km
- 2 interrupt levels
Parallel interface of Centronics type
P bus:
- 2 x 8 parallel inputs/outputs with the programmable direction
- 8 parallel inputs or outputs(depends on used circuits)
Each output is equipped with a performance exciter and has a defined
state while the computer is being reset |
3.5 IODIO01 |
32 opto inputs card
- 4 x 8 inputs
- optron insulation
- input current 10 mA
- dielectric strength 500V
- LED indication |
3.6 IODOO01 |
32 opto outputs card
- 4 x 8 outputs
- optron insulation
- output level: standart 10 mA/35VDC
10mA/80VDC, 50mA/35VDC or 100 mA/300 V on special order
- dielectric strength 500V
- LED indication |
3.6 IODOO02 |
32 opto outputs card
- analogy of IODOO01, optrons strengthened by switching transistors
- output level: 0,2A/35V |
3.6 IODOO03 |
32 opto outputs card
- analogy of IODOO01
- 2 x 8 outputs optrons strengthened by switching transistors, output
level 0,2A/35V
- 2 x 8 outputs, optorelays, output level 1A/60V |
3.7 IODXO01 |
16 opto inputs and 16 opto outputs card
- 16 inputs are the same as in IODIO01 card
- 16 outputs are the same as in IODOO01 card |
3.7 IODXO02 |
16 opto inputs and 16 opto outputs card
- 16 inputs are the same as in IODIO01 card
- 16 outputs are the same as in IODOO02 card |
3.8 TERM10B |
TERM10B card
- connection of graphical LCD display
- connection of 55 key membrane keypad
- beeper
- 8 digital inputs, optron insulation
- 8 digital outputs, optron insulation, optrons strengthened by switching
transistors, output level: 0,2A/30V
- dielectric strength 500V
- LED indication
- designed to terminate the IO bus. - termination resistors and protection
against overvoltage peaks on the bus
This card makes basis of terminal TERM10B, together with processor
unit KITV40 |
3.9 IOADDA01 |
8x analogue inputs and 2x analogue outputs card
8 unipolar or 4 bipolar inputs
- 12-bit approximation A/D converter
- range 0 to +5V, -5 to +5V, 0 to +10V
- when complemented by a resistor there is an option of current input
0 - 20mA 2 analogue outputs
- 12-bit D/A converter
- range 0 to +5V, -5 to +5V, 0 to +10V
- galvanic insulation from IO-bus |
3.10 IOADDA02 |
8x analogue inputs and 4x analogue outputs card
- analogy to IOADDA01
- inputs identical to IOADDA01
- outputs similar to IOADDA01, single D/A converters is substituted
by a double D/A converters |
3.11 IODA01 |
6x or 12x analogue outputs card
12-bit D/A converters
- as many as 6x 2 analogue outputs
- range 0 to +5V, -5 to +5V, 0 to +10V
- galvanic insulation from IO-bus |
3.12 IOCAN |
CAN bus card
card contains 1 or 2 CAN channels with communication processors of
the SJA1000
- interface CAN
- interface connector 10 pin cutting or 9 pin cannon |
3.13 IOTER |
Termination resistor card
- designed to terminate the IO bus. - termination resistors and protection
against overvoltage peaks on the bus |
3.14 IOTER5V |
Termination resistor and power supply card
- designed to terminate the IO bus.
- termination resistors and protection against overvoltage peaks on
the bus
- stabilized 5V power supply (input 10-35VDC or 14-28VAC), to be used
to supply power to other sections of the configuration. CAUTION! The power
supply must be interrupted between the original source and this additional
source by cutting wires in the flat cable on the IO-bus! |
3.15 IOFLEX01 |
Programmable 16 inputs and 16 outputs card
FPGA type programmable field, ALTERA FLEX10K10
16x digital inputs:
- optional input voltage 24VDC (12V, 5V)
- counter inputs for incremental sensors, input speed depending on
the programmable field program
16x digital outputs:
- NPN or PNP polarity of output switches
- output load to 200mA
- output speed depending on the programable field program
4x resolver inputs
- sensitivity 3Vef (100mV to 3Vef)
- excitation voltage 2,2Vef or current 300mAef, frequency 2, 5, 10,
20kHz |
3.16 IOTERM10 |
Digital and analogue inputs and outputs card for KOMPAKT
- 16 x digital input, optron insulation
- 16 x digital output, output type relay 24V/5A, on demand output type
optorelay 60V/2A or optron with transistor 35V/0,2A
- 8 x analogue input, voltage range 0 to 5V or 0 to 10V or current
range 0 to 20mA
- 8 x analogue input PT100, three-wire connection
- analogue slow A/D converter 12 to 18 bits
- 6x (4x, 2x) analogue output, voltage range 0 to 5V or 0 to 10V, D/A
converter 12 bits
- 1 x communication RS-485, galvanic insulation, two-wire or four-wire
This card makes basis of KOMPAKT 2, together with terminal TERM10B. |
3.17 IOETH01 |
- IEEE 802.3 ETHERNET standart
- 10Base-T interface
- 6kB RAM
- 4 LED for simple diagnostic
- internal and external Loopback mode
- net address saved in EEPROM
- IO address and IRQ setting by jumpers |
3.18 IOAD03 |
8 analog inputs board - 16bit
- 8 analog inputs
- 16 bit A/D converter
- range 5V, -5 to +5V, 20mA
- control and feeding via IO BUS
- speed up to 50kSPS
- galvanic isolated |
3.19 TOUCH11M |
input/output board for TOUCH11M |
3.20 TOUCH11C |
input/output board for TOUCH11C |
3.21 IOFLEX02 |
Programmable 16 inputs and 2x16 outputs card
FPGA type programmable field, ALTERA ACEX1K50
16x digital inputs:
- optional input voltage 24VDC (12V, 5V)
- counter inputs for incremental sensors, input speed depending on
the programmable field program
16x digital outputs TTL - output load ±8mA 16x digital outputs:
- NPN or PNP polarity of output switches
- output load to 200mA
- output speed depending on the programable field program
4x resolver inputs
- sensitivity 0.2Vef (50mV to 3Vef)
- excitation voltage 2,2Vef or current 300mAef, frequency 2, 5, 10,
20kHz |